Welcome to the Fascinating World of Pragmatics/Pragmática!
Bienvenido/a a mi página de Pragmática. This website is aimed at assisting teachers, researchers, and students in learning about different aspects of Pragmatics, Discourse, and Second Language Pragmatics Pedagogy. It includes information about the scope of Pragmatics and related topics such as speech acts, deixis, meaning (implicature and explicature), discourse, and politeness and impoliteness. In each component of the site, you will find information that is based on existing research in Pragmatics, examples with audios and transcripts of the dialogues, and metapragmatic perceptions of what is considered polite or impolite behavior.Speech Acts: This page describes different speech acts in Spanish and English. It includes a taxonomy of the strategies for each speech act, examples, and audios of speech acts in different regions of Spanish and the United States (in-progress).
Politeness: This includes definitions, examples, a bibliography, and audios of polite and impolite behavior. Under Politeness1 you can listen to audios with metapragamatic perceptions of polite and impolite behavior among speakers of different varieties of Spanish.
Pragmatic Variation: You will find information about pragmatic variation across varieties of Spanish, including a bibliography with the regions analyzed and contrasted so far. Information about pluricentric languages across varieties of Spanish, English, and other languages is in progress. Make sure to check the section on Voces Hispanas with audios that feature cultural aspects from different regions in Spain and Latin America. If you have published a study on regional pragmatic variation in one or more varities of Spanish, please contact me with the bibliographical information to add it to this page.
Teaching Pragmatics: This section features information about effective ways of teaching different aspects of pragmatics in the classroom, including research-based pedagogical activities and different dimensions of intercultural compertence.
Textbook in Spanish Pragmatics. Feel free to visit the companion website of Pragmática del Español: contexto, uso y variación. You will find complementary information for each chapter, examples, audios, videos, a bibliography, and an online glossary. There is a corpus with data taken from natural conversations, service encounter interactions, and speech acts across different varieties of Spanish in Latin America and Spain. If you are an instructor using this textbook in your class, feel free to contact me to receive the answer key for the exercises in each chapter. You can also have access to pedagogical resources for instructors.
Most of the information on this website can also be accessed directly to teach pragmatics in the classroom. The data were collected by the owner of this website and if used for research or pedagogical purposes, the website should be cited.
How to cite this website: If you use information and data from this website for research or teaching purposes, please cite as follows: Félix-Brasdefer, J. César. Pragmatics at Indiana University. Date retrieved from https://pragmatics.indiana.edu
For information about my research in Pragmatics and publications, please visit this page about/My Research
If you have any questions about this website or would like to include your work on pragmatic variation, feel free to contact me at cfelixbr@indiana.edu